Saturday, November 22, 2008

InterFaith Celebrations: ecuminical movement of Gandhi

On suggestions to the institute, Arun Gandhi wrote.

Dear Sunny: Thank you for your email. Your suggestion is good but it is not just the ritual of prayer that is important as understanding, appreciation and acceptance of the different religions of the world. This Institute is attempting to bring about that understanding. -- Arun Gandhi, June 14, 2004

The former founder and president of the board of the M.K. Gandhi Institute for Non-violence, president of the board of the M.K. Gandhi Institute for Non-violence

“My intention was to generate a healthy discussion on the proliferation of violence. Clearly, I did not achieve my goal. Instead, unintentionally, my words have resulted in pain, anger, confusion and embarrassment,” he wrote in his resignation to the board. (Hindu, Jan 28, 2008)

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